Looking Ahead to 2024

January 1, 2024

This year I want to continue my introduction to bodybuilding and round out my fitness regimen with regular cardio. For January and February, I'll finish the "Start From Scratch" series of workouts. I will also start running three days a week again. I'll be taking progress photos. By July, I want to see distinct muscle definition in the mirror. I also want to try and get my VO2 max consistently up to 38 in the same timeframe.

Last year January and November were alcohol-free months. This year, I'll go alcohol-free for three months out of the year. January is one of them. I might make March and August the other two, but I'll leave that up to planning later.

For Silver Gryphon Games, my sole objective this year is to get Aethermancy released. Once that's done, I'll try and get the second editions of Aether and Ingenium out, but those are bonuses.

For Iron Arachne, I want to really push on the sci-fi side of generators. I will expand the details for the planet, star nation, and star system generators.

I have three trips planned for this year so far. One is a trip to Mexico with college friends. The second is an eclipse viewing party. The third is a father-son cruise in the Mediterranean. For each of these I want to make sure I journal about them.

Finally, I'm going to try and set a journaling habit. Some of this will turn into blog posts, but the idea is to record more data about my life and use that for reflection later.