Conquering 2013: Goals for the Year

January 5, 2013

I'm joining the vast numbers of bloggers who are publicly declaring their goals for the new year right now. Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend fame has challenged people to, well, Live Your Legend in 2013, and offers a Goal Setting & Action Workbook to help achieve that. I took four hours this morning to fill it out and plan my goals for the year, and this blog post summarizes the results of that. Two of my six big goals for the year have to do with gaming, but the rest are personal goals. I'll share all of them with you after the jump.

Goal #1) Release a Computer Game

I've worked, briefly, in the computer game industry. I've started numerous game projects. But I've never actually released a finished game. 2013 is the year to change that. While I won't be releasing my dream game this year (the MMORPG tentatively called Starborn: Universe), I'm going to fire off a single-player action sandbox game called Starborn: Genesis. My release goal is by December 1, 2013. Future blog posts will detail this, my most difficult goal of 2013, as I work on it.

Goal #2) Join a Local Developer Group

This goal is much smaller than #1. The purpose, though, is no less important; it has been said that you are an average of the five people you spend the most time with, and all of the five people I hang out with most are at best only tangentially related to computer game development. I want to connect with people more, and I especially want to connect with others who are passionate about computer game development. Joining a local developer group is an important part of that.

Goal #3) Take a Vacation with Treasure to Hawaii

My wife Treasure and I have not yet taken a vacation outside of the Midwest. As both of us have traveled the world and love new places, this is a problem. This year, I'm committing to getting us both to Hawaii for a week in June, near or on our 4th anniversary. It will be an event to remember, I'm sure! Now I just need to figure out how to pay for it…

Goal #4) Lead a Yoga Class

I don't know a thing about yoga. I've never taken a class and know only a few movements from Wii Fit. So why would I make a goal to lead a class? Because I'm interested in it, and no one ever achieved anything meaningful by aiming low. I'll need to join a class and become proficient enough over the coming year to teach a community class by the end of December. I've already picked out the location and instructor to help me achieve that. It's just a matter of getting it done.

Goal #5) Reach 1,000 Visitors Per Month On Dicejockey

Yep, my blog wasn't going to slide by without a major goal this year. Dicejockey's not about Top Ten lists or Five Steps to Success, but I like to think I say things worth talking about, and that's worth pushing harder on. My life is my passion, and Dicejockey is a window to that passion. With a little luck and an extra dose of hard work, I hope to make Dicejockey a popular choice for gaming geeks.

Goal #6) Collaborate on Something With Tasha

My sister Tasha and I don't talk very frequently. This isn't because we're not on speaking terms; it's just because we don't have much in common. This year I want to change that. We're both very passionate about a wide variety of topics, and I'm sure we can find something to truly connect on. I've got a tentative plan on how to achieve this goal, and I really want to get closer to my family, so I know I'll meet this goal by year's end. So those are my goals for 2013. How about you? What are you looking to achieve this year?